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United Nations 🇺🇳 Secretary-General 2026

We are gearing up for the launch of this campaign, and need you 🔛 !  If you are interested in helping us:


🦠 The Covid-19 pandemic has been bringing the world to its knees for the last year and a half.  Countries fought over personal protective equipment, hoarded vaccine doses 💉, and failed to showcase solidarity to get out of the pandemic. 

Besides this short-sighted national approach, the United Nations have failed to lead a proper global response from the beginning, partly because of a lack of competencies, resulting in a lack of trust in the institution

This must change. We must give the United Nations the tools to adequately deal with global health crises and a trusted leader backed by the people

As such, Atlas will launch both:

🗳️ an electoral campaign to get a people-backed candidate at the head of one of the most important organizations in the world, and

an activism campaign aimed at pushing the next UN leader to champion more competencies. We believe the UN should:

📌 have the power to prepare, prevent and lead global responses to health crises

📌 inspire trust through accountability, independence & transparency 

📌 elect real leaders and champion open governance.


As you read this, our team is working to secure a candidate and finalize our policy proposals. We will update this page very shortly, so stay tuned!

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👉 If you want to support our work, donate here.

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