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#Unite4Survival: Endorse our bid for UN Secretary General

We are running to become United Nations Secretary-General to ensure humanity’s survival. Colombe Cahen-Salvador, Atlas’ co-founder, is our candidate for the 2026 selection process.

Let’s be clear: our survival is at risk. Climate change, artificial intelligence, wars, dictatorship, pandemics, and poverty all have the potential to destroy humanity unless they are tackled fast.

Those threats are global, and the United Nations cannot deal with them due to its undemocratic and outdated setup. Even its leader, the Secretary-General, is chosen in an opaque process by countries seeking to uphold the status quo. But we must have a UN with the necessary competencies, legitimacy, and leadership to ensure our survival.

And for this, we need you. Endorse our campaign. Challenge this broken system, put survival threats on top of the political agenda, and ignite the fire of a revolution that will start at the UN but won’t stop there. This is just the beginning.

#Unite4Survival. Help us get to 1 million endorsements to force the UN 🇺🇳 to act.

More details   Read our programme   Meet Colombe   Support the campaign

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📩 [email protected]

Who's endorsing
Komi Agbenowossi Akebe
De Gontaut Biron Arnaud
Ton Hoogendam
Julius Kitone
Jelle Van der Meer
Jilo Said
Yassine Aabirate
Michelle Kiely
Roger King
Joelle Du Perier de Larsan
João Casimiro
Abaho Gift Conrad
Randall Echols
Sam Ackah-Yensu
Han Anthony
Chiara Domestici
Massimo Perriello
Komi Agbenowossi Akebe
Erick Githaiga
Nicole Atieno
Ines Saltiel
Pema Bhutia
Sofia-Magdalena Karlsson
Rahem larry Babatunde
Luis Fabián Murillo Quiroz
Omid Saleki
Florentine Sievers
Prof RN Srivastava Srivastava

Will you endorse?

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Showing 30 reactions

  • Komi Agbenowossi Akebe
    endorsed 2024-12-04 01:08:41 UTC
    I will support emergency freedom
  • De Gontaut Biron Arnaud
    endorsed 2024-12-03 19:10:23 UTC
  • Ton Hoogendam
    endorsed 2024-11-30 09:55:18 UTC
  • Julius Kitone
    endorsed 2024-11-30 05:40:36 UTC
    Great initiative
  • Jelle Van der Meer
    endorsed 2024-11-27 23:02:23 UTC
    chair of
  • Nick
    endorsed 2024-11-12 05:30:25 UTC
  • Jilo Said
    endorsed 2024-11-11 22:01:33 UTC
  • Yassine Aabirate
    endorsed 2024-11-06 12:24:11 UTC
    الحب والسلام العمل الصالح الأمن والأمان

    أنا أنت نحن

    لا يغير الله ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم
  • Michelle Kiely
    endorsed 2024-11-04 20:10:06 UTC
  • Roger King
    endorsed 2024-11-01 16:24:01 UTC
    Do you need a country to put you forward as a candidate to Security Council, and do you have one?
  • Joelle Du Perier de Larsan
    endorsed 2024-10-24 21:20:41 UTC
    Allez Colombe!
  • João Casimiro
    endorsed 2024-10-19 17:45:56 UTC
  • Abaho Gift Conrad
    endorsed 2024-10-11 06:44:04 UTC
  • Nelly
    endorsed 2024-10-10 08:38:43 UTC
  • Randall Echols
    endorsed 2024-10-08 22:41:43 UTC
  • Sam Ackah-Yensu
    endorsed 2024-10-05 16:28:03 UTC
  • Han Anthony
    endorsed 2024-10-05 11:04:33 UTC
    Colombe Cahen-Salvador

    I am right beside you!
  • Chiara Domestici
    endorsed 2024-10-03 05:48:40 UTC
  • Massimo Perriello
    endorsed 2024-10-03 02:33:46 UTC
  • Komi Agbenowossi Akebe
    endorsed 2024-09-23 18:50:29 UTC
    I love it
  • Erick Githaiga
    endorsed 2024-09-22 21:57:22 UTC
    I am proud to endorse #Unite4Survival and Colombe Cahen-Salvador’s candidacy for UN Secretary-General in 2026. Our world is at a critical juncture, facing existential threats like climate change, unchecked AI, conflicts, authoritarianism, pandemics, and extreme poverty. These challenges are global, yet the United Nations, constrained by an outdated and undemocratic setup, is ill-equipped to address them effectively.

    This campaign is about more than electing a new leader; it’s about reimagining the UN as a dynamic and competent institution that can safeguard humanity’s future. I believe in the power of collective action and the urgent need for a UN that truly represents the people it serves. By endorsing #Unite4Survival, I am standing up for a future where the fight for survival is at the top of the global agenda. Let’s challenge the status quo, transform the system, and ignite change that starts at the UN and reverberates worldwide. Join me in supporting this revolutionary movement—our survival depends on it.
  • Nicole Atieno
    endorsed 2024-09-17 16:08:17 UTC
  • Ines Saltiel
    endorsed 2024-09-12 13:10:44 UTC
  • Pema Bhutia
    endorsed 2024-09-11 10:49:28 UTC
    I support your cause.
  • Sofia-Magdalena Karlsson
    endorsed 2024-09-07 12:35:45 UTC
  • Rahem larry Babatunde
    endorsed 2024-09-06 11:58:11 UTC
    I support you because we need change and I believe in your manifesto to bring peace to the world in a more professional way.

    I endorse you and I will always be there to support you so we can bring back the peace that the world needs.

    All the best
  • Luis Fabián Murillo Quiroz
    endorsed 2024-09-06 11:53:57 UTC
  • Omid Saleki
    endorsed 2024-09-06 07:08:16 UTC
    be succes
  • Florentine Sievers
    endorsed 2024-09-06 04:07:01 UTC
  • Prof RN Srivastava Srivastava
    endorsed 2024-09-05 18:30:06 UTC

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