An update from our team on the Global Climate Emergency campaign
Today, July 1st, 2020 the NOW! team has officially asked the German government to demand that our request for a declaration of a Global Climate Emergency is tabled for debate.
From today Germany has the power to declare a Global Climate Emergency! Countries must come together now to push forward new solutions to stop the disastrous consequences of climate change. Individual actions by countries cannot change the global trend that is the destruction of our planet. It is high time for the UN Security Council to declare a global climate emergency to ensure that the world takes seriously the existential threat that is climate change. We need a binding decision with a clear path forward that forces all governments to act now. After declaring a climate emergency under Chapter VII, the Security Council will have to make concrete recommendations or decisions on how to address this threat to peace to maintain international order. As a result, for the first time, the world will have to move forward as One, giving us the best chance at solving this crisis.
From today until the end of the month, we will pressure the German government to table our request - people from everywhere in the world can now send automated emails to Chancellor Merkel demanding that she takes actions to counter the Climate Crisis.
Climate change is real and it has been affecting lives already: more than 22.5 million people per year are forcibly displaced due to extreme weather disasters. Climate change is a ticking bomb that can only be disarmed if we work as one. We cannot wait any longer.
Do your part, be on the right side of history, help us declare a Global Climate Emergency to ensure that our future is saved.