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Newsletter - Nov 1st, 2020

Dear Friend,

While some countries are experiencing the shadows of new COVID-19 lockdowns and others are on the brink of very divisive elections, NOW! is gearing up for an exciting end of 2020! Indeed, before the end of the year, we are seeking to send strong and bold messages to world leaders: stop the climate crisis, protect and innovate democracy, and do this and more before it's too late!

And this is happening thanks to you: we are extremely grateful for your continuous support, and we are striving to make  NOW! a supportive and engaging community for you, as it is already for 10,000 people in 108 countries. Join us: 



December will mark the end of yet another year during which very little has been done to solve climate change. 

But it’s not too late! Throughout the month of December, a wonderful team of volunteers is preparing a calendar of coordinated individual actions to counter the climate crisis and give hope to the millions. We will not only lay a path for the future, but also show governments that they must follow our example, and cooperate to win this battle.

By signing up for Green December, you will receive instructions on the daily actions you can take to counter climate change every day. Get ready to take action! Thousands of people across the globe will join you in this effort to create some Climate Hope!


For four months, we have been protesting every Friday in more than 50 cities around the world to demand that world leaders protect freedom fighters from Hong Kong to Belarus, and unite to promote and innovate democracy! These #FridaysForFreedom protests reached more than 3 million people online and gave hope to countless others.  Now, our pro-democracy campaign is ready for the next jump!

Starting this week, our teams are entering in contact with elected officials around the world to lobby the biggest democratic governments on this planet: the dream of creating a League of Democracies able to protect & innovate democracy worldwide is one step closer. From Scotland to Italy, meetings are lining up: it’s high time to change the world!

Join us in this quest, we need volunteers and supporters to make this possible! Email Laura, our campaign manager, to get involved: [email protected]

If you want to read more about our vision, this piece we published on The Independent might be of help!


First and foremost, thank you to all the ones that took the time to feel the “Future of NOW! Survey”. If you did not have time to fill it, it's still open!

With several hundred replies, we started to extract some very interesting insights! For example, the 5 main global issues identified by our community are: climate change; the erosion of democracy; fake news & misinformation; discrimination; and economic inequalities. 

Here you can read other key insights!

Our team will continue to synthesize the key outcomes of the exercise. Very shortly, we will be sending out a second, longer survey to go deep-dive into the interesting points you have raised. This exercise will inform our “2021 & beyond” strategy!

Remember, “We are stronger together than we are alone.” Feel free to reach out at [email protected]

All the best,

Andrea & Colombe, for NOW!

Co-Executive Directors

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