2020 has been disastrous on so many levels, but December must be the month of hope and example for world leaders to follow!
Throughout the year, leaders around the world have had their hands full with dealing with the pandemic. But, it looks like they have forgotten about our other crisis: the climate one!
December will mark the end of yet another year during which very little has been done to solve climate change. We do not have much time left. This global crisis deserves a global solution: no country alone can solve it. And time is running out: we have just 7 years before climate change becomes irreversible.
We, the people, will lead the way by working together across borders and taking daily individual actions throughout December to counter the climate crisis. If we can unite, governments will have no excuse!
To get ready for Green December, we have already started working with some of our super passionate volunteers.
But, we need more hands! We are looking for volunteers with imagination, vision and passion to join our very motivated team! Together, we are preparing the month, the communication and partnerships, getting influencers on board and trying to reach a maximum number of people. If you are interested, please fill out the form and we will get back to you ASAP!