Become a Member [yearly contribution]
Members not only support Atlas financially or with their time but ensure that the movement takes the right political path by voting on policies, strategising and attending members-only events.
Sign up via the form on this page to officially become a member of Atlas. You can see three suggested yearly amounts: $50, $200, or $500. All choices will make you a member and give you access to Atlas' activities, including:
🗳️ Participation and voting rights at our Summits,
📩 Access to exclusive, members-only content, including newsletters, interviews & townhalls with leading activists and politicians,
🤝 Access to our internal forum, with members from around the planet
By selecting $200 or $500, you'll not only help us strengthen the movement but also sponsor great members who cannot afford to pay membership fees at this time.
Three important disclaimers: 1) you can cancel your membership at any point in time, 2) the type of membership you choose will not be disclosed to any other member, and 3) if you are a member of another political party, we ask you to choose which membership to keep within the first three months of joining Atlas.
👉 If you cannot contribute financially, please email us at [email protected] with the subject "free membership," and we will sort it out!
👉 You want to contribute via PayPal? Here we go!
👉 You prefer to get a monthly membership? Click here!