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Community Chat | Equitism: the way forward?

Community chats: We host regular community chats for Atlas members, hosted by one volunteer from the community. Those chats are online discussions in which the host gets to present a topic of global relevance and discuss it with others. It can also be a way of raising awareness about significant events.

💬“Equitism: the way forward?”: Join us on October 7 (Thurs) at 5:00 pm UK time and hear from Atlas founder Andrea Venzon and Colombe Cahen-Salvador.

If you have been following us, you will know that Atlas is the global progressive movement: We 🏃🏾‍♀️run for elections, 💥campaign for change and ✊fight for an equitable world!
But why? Why are we doing all these campaigns? We are fighting for a better future, but what is a "better"? What do we want? During the recent Atlas Community Day, our members discussed the idea of promoting a new philosophy that could bind all our work and efforts together.

Then and there, Equitism was born!

In this upcoming Community Chat, Andrea and Colombe will explain their ideas on Equitism. Participants will contribute to an important discussion. 

Join this community chat! Let's think about how we can expand on this concept, illustrate it to others, and make it a reality! 

Format: Community chats last one hour, are hosted by one member on workplace (our internal forum). They are structured as follow:
1) introduction by members attending,
2) 20 min presentation of topic at hand
3) Q&A and general discussion
Become our member and join the conversation!
October 07, 2021
5pm - 6pm

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